Pandemic Update Dear Friends, Many people have asked us if our ministry has been affected by the pandemic and subsequent worldwide lockdowns. The main way our work has been affected is that the last several months have been the busiest we’ve ever had! Amazingly, during this time of financial stress and uncertainty, God’s people have […]
Buy the Book Here Bulk Rates More than 40,000 Tibetans were crammed into the remote town of Larung Ga, stacked on top of one another, until the Chinese authorities bulldozed the unique structures in 2016. In this newsletter we are pleased to announce the fourth book in our series on the mighty revival that has […]
Dear Friends, Thank you for your response to our recent newsletter on the Sqaw Karen tribe and their desperate need for Bibles. Many people have expressed how shocked they were to learn that there are Christians in the world today who have been completely cut off from Bibles for more than 50 years! This week […]
In this newsletter we would like to encourage you with brief testimonies from some of your Christian brothers and sisters whose existence you probably aren’t aware of. The Sqaw (or S’gaw) Karen tribe inhabits the mountains and jungle valleys of eastern Myanmar (formerly known as Burma). They have lived there for thousands of years and […]
“Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. ‘Make level paths for your feet,’ so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed” (Hebrews 12:13). Dear Friends, Recently, many believers around the world have contacted us to express their fears. With events like the Coronavirus lockdowns followed by the violence on the streets […]
While the world has been battling the Coronavirus and economies prepare to be shattered for many years to come, in China the self-proclaimed ‘President for Life’ Xi Jinping continues his relentless persecution of Christians, at levels not seen since the demonic days of the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s and 1970s. Recently we wrote that […]
“A strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough. When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water; and they were frightened. But he said to them, ‘It is I; don’t be afraid.’ Then they were willing to take him into the boat, and […]
Read About Arthur Jackson and the Plague of 1911 For most of us, the current Coronavirus pandemic has given us new and unexpected experiences, yet we know from the Word of God that far greater challenges lie ahead in this world before the Lord Jesus Christ comes to sort out the mess people have made. […]
$7.13 provides food and essentials to poor families in India for a week Dear Friends: Many have asked for details of how Asia Harvest is helping people throughout Asia affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. In this newsletter we present some opportunities for people to give, but please do not feel any pressure whatsoever to help, […]
Read the PDF Version of this Newsletter A real picture of a Chinese believer named Huang Xikai being tortured by Communist police. This and other gruesome images were smuggled out of China and published some years ago. Thousands of Christians are currently undergoing similar barbaric treatment. Please pray for our precious brothers and sisters. “We […]