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“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. I have taken an oath and confirmed it, that I will follow your righteous laws.” (Psalm 119:105-106).
Some years ago a passenger boarded a flight in Los Angeles, intending to fly to Oakland, California. The flight was due to last about an hour, but six hours into the flight he started to think something may have gone wrong! Somehow, due to a mixup, instead of being on a flight to Oakland he had boarded an international flight to Auckland, New Zealand! He continued to his new destination, where he was given a free holiday by the embarrassed airline.
Many Christians today presume they are heading to heaven. They have bought their ticket, and are confident of their final destination. Could it be that many will one day discover, to their horror, that they have been heading the wrong way for years, having acquired a false understanding of the Christian faith through a lack of knowledge of God’s Word?
Over the years, as we have traveled around various parts of the world, we have met many believers who have wanted to engage us in arguments about what English version of the Bible is the most accurate. Our focus is on something quite different.
We don’t have time to argue about translations, as we are in contact with church leaders of tens and hundreds of thousands of Christians throughout Asia who cannot access any version of Bible at all! Countless millions of people have never even seen a page of the Bible in their lives. They are unsaved and clueless about Jesus Christ. The Word of God is a lamp for our feet and a light to our path, but for multitudes of new Christians there is no light available to show them the way to walk with God.
Similarly, people sometimes want to engage us to find our views about the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus. Of course we look forward to that wonderful event, but our focus is on reaching the more than one billion people in Asia who have yet to hear that Jesus came the first time!
Throughout Asia one of our greatest and most important privileges has been to provide Bibles for believers in countries that don’t allow free access to them. This has been a major part of our work since the 1980s. By the grace of God and the generosity of His people, we have now provided the Scriptures in 68 different languages through our Asian Bible Fund, in addition to our separate China Bible Fund which has printed and distributed more Bibles to the house church believers in China than we ever imagined possible when we started out.
In this our fifth and final newsletter of the year, we would like to share a pictorial journey of God’s Word in just one of the places we provide Bibles. We recently included some of these photos in an email newsletter, but we realize many people are not on our email list so we wanted to share them in this paper newsletter also. The pictures show a progression from the time the Bibles are printed to when they reach the hands of hungry Christians in a remote area hundreds of miles from where they originated. We hope you enjoy sharing a glimpse into part of this journey.
If you would like to help our vital Bible projects, we invite you to pray for all those involved. If the Lord impresses it on your heart, you can give to either our Asian Bible Fund ($2.70 per Bible) or our China Bible Fund ($1.80 per Bible). Thanks and God bless you.